Itane Vero

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryThe poor in spirit Itane Vero411 years 8 months ago
StoryWhat we do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryLike old friends do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryIs this desire Itane Vero411 years 9 months ago

My stories

Coarse sunlight

For as long as I can remember, the cliff has been there. Dark, deep and chilling. Like a notorious enemy. Like a dreaded demon. But at the same time...


Imaging you are 103 year old. You are still alive and kicking, You still like playing marbles, eating too many pieces of cake on your birth day,...


Try to breathe new life into that. Of those days dragging along like weathered bookkeepers, of these hours showing themselves as boring bus drivers...


You can decide today I live by the facts I will not be guided anymore by pale pink ideas or dark purple illusions From now on I will be a man of my...

No wonder

How the day wanders quietly but grizzled through your backyard. As if she doesn't really know what to do with her life. As if a lot of things are...
