Itane Vero

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryWhat we do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryLike old friends do Itane Vero211 years 8 months ago
StoryIs this desire Itane Vero411 years 8 months ago

My stories

The old song will not declare itself

What remains when you find yourself in a dead end street. When your footsteps sounds hollow, the shadows behind the curtains move too hasty?

Refreshing my soul

Why I so often get scared of the silence. Why I just have to learn to love the silence.

Something about the heat of the sun

You hate her, you love her. But certaintly, you need her. More than bread, faith or peace?

Sound of laughing

Sitting in a mobile home while the rain is pouring down. You think about desire, you write about desires...
