Ellie Grendon

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryAfter Six Years Ellie Grendon09 years 7 months ago
StoryWhat Happened to My Mind? Ellie Grendon19 years 7 months ago
StoryIn the End Ellie Grendon29 years 7 months ago

My stories

What Happened to My Mind?

Vacant memories intoxicate my mind Where once, vibrance dominated all But a swift dullness swept over me Leaving only the thought of you behind Where...

After Six Years

Note: A short story conducted in my very first creative writing class. The task was to use one of the opening lines given, and, in an almost stream of conciousness, write the first thing that came to mind.

In the End

Oh yes- You can set fire to the memory of me but the ash will still remain. You will devour me in one breath and choke on the passion that you left...