lorraine H

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Storyethel lorraine H29 years 2 months ago
Storyfalling leaves lorraine H59 years 3 months ago
Storyjoy lorraine H29 years 6 months ago
StoryThe Little princess lorraine H29 years 6 months ago

My stories


ethel and the hard of hearing we have one thing in common that makes us connected throuh the world the ability to survive and help each other and to...

falling leaves

Falling leaves of yesterday Glissening golden green crispy leaves Falling gently on the ground In the autumn sun A feeling of happy memories lifts my...


Favourite things And treasured memories Warm embrace, a lovers touch Seeing by dad by the sea The smell of midnight jasmine Ice cream sundaes,...

The Little princess

The was a princess in a high tower, surrounded by a magical forest where angels fly looking out of her magical glass windows she saw clearblue skies...