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I have 204 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 103023 times and 34 of my stories have been cherry picked.
11 of my 256 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 10 votes

a102866's picture
Stephen Parker

My stories


Once Varnished Floors Bare Tarnished Dreams

On the perforated border sits a condemned sign- property and former occupant. The once manicured lawn, now a mound of dirt, rocks. The silhouette of...
Poem of the week

Vestiges of the Night

Night's cloak seals their anonymity From day's perch into oblivion, peeping toms snake from corners Pale masts sail across the civil divide Swinging...

Love's Side Effects

Stars back in their sockets but drunken dust still spins in my addled brain; Your lovely mast rolled on pillow, now shadow of moon's faded beams...

Ancient Strands Pared

History's dark mysteries laced with silts, covered with lime, without pomp released from reliquary dungeons; with fanfare displayed in tiered...

Seductive Portents

You wink with grandiose fair twinkling eyes reflect a sparkle I hold out my hand then you say, I'm not that kind of girl Shortly thereafter, you...
