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I have 50 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 92598 times and 67 of my stories have been cherry picked.
26 of my 214 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 27 votes

agnosticnun's picture
Kristi Thompson


My stories


The Lost Generation

After the endless cacophony of dying a silence is born. Expression lacks point. Our words do not encompass the shape of a trench or shell blast's...

tweets from the future (I.P.)

[playing with tweetform: each stanza 144 characters] 144 character bursts since twitters advent articles are lost art writing sentences like novels...

Family Dinner

My appetite overreached me. Hungering approval and starving to flee, I ate my mother. My father was feeding on roast beef when his turn came. I...

The Wedding Dress (for mother's day)

She never wore it-- the old lace, smelling faintly of yellowed dreams. Never walked down the aisle, sounding holy music, soft so not to frighten this...
