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I have 50 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 93425 times and 67 of my stories have been cherry picked.
26 of my 214 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 27 votes

agnosticnun's picture
Kristi Thompson


My stories

Gold cherry

Seven Sins

This is a glum poem, so I'm including a baby sloth. I think we need not fear to sin, for sin has grown less deadly. Take avarice. The bankers have, and yet it seems that they will own the world and more.

Deus Ex

A beated I.P., Deus Ex Machina - it's been percolating for days, and finally emerged. Orestes, though a matricide, was saved from the Furies when Athena stepped out of a machine to absolve him. Hippolytus the pure was not spared, but a dragon- chariot was sent for Medea who murdered her children.

The Last Page, Unwritten

I no longer visualize an ending. Ever since that time when They came running, laughing musically Shooting the luminous champion with one small shining spar, and then Turning themselves away. The brightest one fell.

The Moving Vans of my Childhood (late IP: moving)

As a child I lived in seven houses. I learned how to sort life into boxes, that gardens could make way for pavement, to love only those toys I could...

Growing Up Canine

It is not that I was raised by wolves - my parents yipped and fought like humans do. But still I grew half-feral. ...
