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I have 12 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 9267 times and 7 of my stories have been cherry picked.

aimeewilkinson's picture
Aimee Wilkinson

My collections

My stories


The Silence of Consequences

A pool of black blood gathered at the crook of her neck. Her face, lined with a diary of age, stared up at him with unseeing eyes. A tuft of her white hair clung to his fingers.

Night Crawling

The car is a volcano of smoke. Matt hands me the spliff and turns onto the high street. Streetlights pass above us like fireflies. The tip is moist but I inhale deeply.

Dumping Carrots

You take your average severed finger, place it inside a convenience salad box, wrapped up in a bed of shredded lettuce leaves for company. You send it on its way.

Scratchs of Hope

One of these days she will win back all the sacrifices she gave throughout her life. She will win back her lost years and her forgotten home.


In unity the crowd shouts as a flurry of wings erupts in the air. The cocks come down at each other, feathers erect, wings crackling.
