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Assorted writers' groups, the odd anthology, occasional readings. Lots of looking out of the window. Hello, and thanks for dropping by.
FB: BlueSky:
Readings of Episodes One and Two of the Pad Life Journals are now available on Sound Cloud: More to follow!
I have to say that if I ever
Posted on Tue, 27 Apr 2021
I have to say that if I ever do see the sunrise these days, it tends to be at the end of my day rather than the start! I'm another one who doesn't really do early mornings, but reading your lovely poem makes me think maybe I should give it a go...
Read full commentPosted in Sunrise
Pick of the Day
Posted on Sun, 25 Apr 2021
This delightful slice of fantasy is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day! Please do share/retweet if you enjoy it too, and don't forget to check out the previous chapters.
Read full commentPosted in "Willow's Tail" 4
Yes, please let's have some
Posted on Wed, 17 Mar 2021
Yes, please let's have some more! These are such good characters, and such a promising scenario.
Read full commentPosted in "Willow's Tail"
Brought back so many memories
Posted on Tue, 15 Dec 2020
Brought back so many memories! The feeling of pleasure when you've found something they like doing and that will keep them occupied. The feeling of hysteria when they like it so much you're doing it or reading that story for the 240th time! ...
Read full commentPosted in A new achievement @16 months
I thought it was a bit more
Posted on Sat, 31 Oct 2020
I thought it was a bit more ambiguous than a prank, just from the scale of the thing. I was assuming that Mr Hain had a very special hotel and was able to produce effects that owed more than a little to 'special powers'. However, did think it...
Read full commentPosted in Empire State (Part Two)
You have so cleverly created
Posted on Thu, 23 Jul 2020
You have so cleverly created an atmosphere where their nerves are jangling, and everyone they come across might be an enemy. And then it's a relief when someone is kind to them, but the reader is still on edge because it might not last. The...
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Still utterly gripped by this
Posted on Mon, 13 Jul 2020
Still utterly gripped by this, but not totally convinced by Piru's 'voice'. I understand the formality of her English, because of the way she was taught, but whereas every word Emmet and Abigail speak strengthens the character portrayal, and I...
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Just read all the parts of
Posted on Fri, 03 Jul 2020
Just read all the parts of this straight through, and most disappointed that there's not a link to another one! I remember the first draft of this, which I really enjoyed, but this is another level entirely. Utterly engrossing. The characters...
Read full commentPosted in Pins (6)
Agree so much with your words
Posted on Sun, 14 Jun 2020
Agree so much with your words about 'tolerance'. Tolerance of others is a privilege for the powerful.
I'm going to be coming back to this one, because there's so much in there to think about.
Read full commentPosted in Outsiders, and the clubhouse door
There have been times when I
Posted on Thu, 02 Apr 2020
There have been times when I've felt just like that. It's a bit like when there's an eclipse of the sun, and you know it's going to come back, but then it takes longer than you thought and somewhere deep inside you a little prehistoric creature...
Read full commentPosted in Locked