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I have 177 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 175806 times and 54 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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animan's picture

Odd, but I've been feeling slightly more and slightly less 'persona non' recently ... depending on where I look, though. On the 'more' topic, I sometimes think that 'persona plus' equates a bit to 'psyche nil' - I'm not sure though. Maybe that's just being self-serving. Also, I'm rethinking 'psyche' in 'relation' to 'spirit'. I'm liking more and more the notion of the 'spirital' (no typo) once again. I'm worrying that the 'psyche' is psychically manipulable - whereas the spirit is own, one's own and out there in the dawn and the evening and the mid-morning sun, feeling the moon's 'can do'. Just musing.

My stories

words in a day

strange, funny, weird how russet the dawn came on my neck and the life play in the rise of day as eyes walk the curving road, macadam rush, and...

A silent story

Yashiko Yamaguchi is sitting in her newly rented room surrounded by packing cases and mess, when she notices a jewellery box on top of a very tall...

Indian rain

It trickles up your nostril, it talks to your soul. Ever experienced, it’s cream to the ever, it’s like a battery of gamelan, it’s like skeletons on...


I met a red-tailed cat fish, with eyes on the top of its head and three flexing whiskers leant against the glass Its tank was more of a room in a...


Between the silence of lips along the slide where kids had slid or one along that black-lined -strewn, -seeming, -tickling, -prickling, -pricking,...
