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I have 8 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 4234 times

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Ben McNamara

My stories


Black wings falling through the caged, suffocated air...

The first three scenes to a script i started...

SCENE1 [To the backdrop of a desert, a 4x4 vehicle drives into shot, its stops suddenly. A man exits from the drivers door and walks around to the passengers door, he helps out a woman, who has had her arms and legs tied together. He frog-marchers her to a place about 50 yards away from the car and steps away from her. He is dressed in a black shirt and jeans, and she is in an elegant red evening dress. The sun is high as it's about midday]

Vodka and the stolen Glockenspiel

"Take this! I screamed wildly as I stabbed my pen through the blizzard of crisps and into the massive hand of the massive man. He lost his grip of the gun. It flew into the back of the rabid barmaids head knocking her unconscious.


A broken house brings broken fools To a broken shelter with broken food While their broken god sits idly alone As evangelical illiterates use tools

Tag on my Toe

Funny to think that one day there'll be a tag on my toe Telling people who I am, and possibly where I'm to go
