The first three scenes to a script i started...
By BenjMc
- 612 reads
[To the backdrop of a desert, a 4x4 vehicle drives into shot, its stops suddenly. A man exits from the drivers door and walks around to the passengers door, he helps out a woman, who has had her arms and legs tied together. He frog-marchers her to a place about 50 yards away from the car and steps away from her. He is dressed in a black shirt and jeans, and she is in an elegant red evening dress. The sun is high as it's about midday]
Elisha: let's just get this over with
James: [laughing] I don't think you're in any position to tell me what to do
Elisha: [exasperated] I wasn't telling you what to¦. You see, this is why I hate you
James: Hate is such a strong word. Anyway, I have some questions first; ive never had the opportunity to ask an individual who is defiantly going to die what they are thinking etc, etc.
Elisha: I think you're a dick
James: [laughing] that's sweet. You don't seem very concerned, are you happy to die, have you made your peace?
Elisha: I don't think your going to kill me, I think you are a sad little man who just wants to make your point, and then let me go so as I don't interfere with you affairs anymore
[James sits down cross legged and draws a handgun from his jeans pocket and begins to spin it on his finger, Elisha eyes it apprehensively]
James: [concentrating on the gun] that's typical really. If you weren't so headstrong then maybe you wouldn't be sitting in this here desert, having this here convocation [pause, he looks at her] makes you think really, don't it
Elisha: [beginning to cry] please will you just let me go. I won't tell anyone about you, ever. I just want to see my husband again
James: I told you, nothing you do ' not even crying ' will stop me from killing you on this here day
Elisha: [abruptly stopping crying, and in an angry tone] come on, stop messing about. You're scaring me. Just let me go and you will never see or hear of me again, ill be out your life forever. And I swear I won't tell anybody about you.
James: Anybody?
Elisha: nobody, not even my husband
James: the Jew?
Elisha: yes, but don't call him that.
James: [standing up] well that's what he is, isn't he?
Elisha: fine! Whatever you say. [Pleadingly] so will you just please let me go?
[James looks thoughtful for a moment, then suddenly turns away and starts to walk back to the car, Elisha looks on confused]
Elisha: [calling after him] where are you going?
[He spins around and fires three shots at her, all connect. She falls to the ground with a scream, and begins crying dramatically as a pool of blood starts to surround her. James walks back to the vehicle, and gets in]
Elisha: [quietly, out of earshot of James and whilst crying] I'm pregnant¦
[The camera zooms out as he drives away from her]
[Upon the screen appears the message "48 hours earlier which then shows a scene of Elisha standing impatiently in a bathroom, looking into a mirror at herself]
Elisha: [quietly] come'on, come'on, come'on
[She stops looking in the mirror and turns to a pregnancy test, she picks it up and looks at it, she glances at the clock then back to the test, her face reveals nothing. A voice comes from another room]
Joseph: hey, what's it say? You're killing me out here. Do I tell the other rabbi's the good news or save the cigars for a later date?
Elisha: I didn't think he other rabbis smoked?
Joseph: they don't, but the priests do, so are we pregnant or what?
Elisha: why are you meeting priests?
Joseph: I told you last night, babe
Elisha: I must have forgotten, sorry?
Joseph: it's the annual priest's verses rabbi's golf tournament today. So are we?
[She exits the bathroom and enters the room with Joseph; he is standing in a luxurious apartment to the backdrop of the New York skyline and dressed in full rabbi garb]
Elisha: not this time, honey
[He looks slightly disappointed, she moves over to him and they embrace]
Elisha: I'm sure it'll happen soon
Joseph: I know it's just; it's been 3 months now; do you maybe think we should go see a doctor?
Elisha: [she moves away from the embrace and turns away] no, I really want to do it naturally, no doctors or science
Joseph: I'm only saying we go for some tests, nothing radical¦ [Seeing her looking at him in with pained expression] ok, fine, forget I said anything.
Elisha: I love you so much [she moves over to him and kisses him on the cheek]
Joseph: don't you need to get ready, your flight leaves at three
[The camera moves to show a clock, its 2:17pm]
Elisha: yeah I do. [She drifts off to pack] Donnie called yesterday
Joseph: [looking puzzled] really? Why? What did he say?
Elisha: said he wanted to talk to you, but it doesn't seem to have been urgent, phone him when you get back, he's probably busy.
Joseph: [now looking worried] I think I'll call him now
Elisha: [turning her full attention to him] honey, really, if it was urgent he would have said so
Joseph: how did he sound when you spoke to him?
Elisha: he sounded fine, deer, perfectly calm. Now come help me pack [she smiles at him again]
Joseph: [pause while consideration takes place] ok, fine, I'm probably being paranoid. It's just with our past I'd think he'd only call in an emergency
Elisha: it could be one of a million things. Can you get my sweater from the bedroom?
Joseph: sure
[He goes into the bedroom, checks on Elisha, who is bending over a suitcase, and closes the door, he then removes his cell phone from a pocket and dials a number, and he puts it to his ear]
Joseph: [speaking quietly] hi, is Chief Inspector Donnie Palmer there, I need to speak to him
Voice on the phone: one second [pause] no, I'm afraid he's not been at work today
Joseph: may I ask why?
Voice on the phone: he hasn't been in today, we don't know why
Joseph: ok, thanks for you time [looks more worried]
[He hangs up the phone and returns it to his pocket, he looks around to room, seeing the sweater on the bed, and takes it back to the main room]
Joseph: here [he hands her the sweater]
Elisha: thanks.
[She puts it in a case, and tries to close it, she can't]
Joseph: let me [he closes the case with ease]
Elisha: thanks [another smile]
[There is a knock at the door, Joseph answers, it's the cab driver to take Elisha to the airport]
Cab Driver: I'm here for Mrs Goldstein
Joseph: just a minute [to Elisha] honey, the cabs here!
Elisha: coming. Could you give me a hand with these bags, dear?
[He does, and they move them to the elevator]
Joseph: cya honey, have a good flight
Elisha: I will. Bye!
[They kiss once more, the door closes]
[Joseph is sitting on a chair in a police station; he is crying profusely, there is two police officers with him, both are looking glum and a little shocked]
Police officer 1: I know that you wife's death has come as a shock to you, Mr Goldstein, but you really must answer our questions
[This doesn't not happen, Joseph just cries some more]
Police officer 1: [to police officer 2] I don't think he is gona talk. Maybe we should give him some more time? His wife's just died for Christ's sake
Police officer 2: yeah, ok [to Joseph] were going to give you some time to think. Ok? Would you like some coffee?
Joseph: I, I don't understand what she was doing in Mexico? She was supposed to be in England!
[The police officers glace at each other and then return to their seats by Joseph]
Police officer 2: so you don't know why she was there?
Joseph: no. she was supposed to be in England, she was going to England, for business
Police officer 2: business?
Police officer 1: what business was she involved in?
Joseph: she, she worked for her fathers company. She was in charge of selecting cases for his company's charity
Police officer 2: what's this charity called, Mr Goldstein?
Joseph: the Fredrick Fletcher Aid Group, or the FFAG, as it's normally known. [Police Officer 1 smans at FFAG, he is shot a look by Joseph and stops immediately] she was going to England to discus the possibility of doing a joint campaign to raise funds for Aids treatment to be sent to Africa
Police officer 1: well, we know that that didnt happen. We know she brought two one-way tickets to Texas late yesterday night, do you know who the other ticket may have been for?
Joseph: are you sure? I can't think of anyone. If she had a problem she should have told me, we could have worked it out, and now she's dead! [He starts to weep again]
Police officer 2: [ignoring his tears, and speaking louder] we think she crossed the border into Mexico soon after landing. We found the body thanks to an off duty officer from this department. He busted this guy who was linked to it somehow
Joseph: [stopping crying] what do you mean linked? [Standing up] I want to talk to him, let me see him now!
Police officer 1: wo wo, calm down, buddy
Police officer 2: you can't; we didn't have enough evidence to keep him here. He was released yesterday
Joseph: do you know where he lives, or where he works? His name, even?
Police officer 2: we can't provide you with that information, sir
Joseph: can't? [Getting angry] why the hell not!
Police officer 2: [getting angry also] ever heard of innocent until proven guilty!
Police officer 1: geez, calm down Paul, he wife's just died
Police officer 2: [moves away] I'm sorry man, I just¦love the law
Police officer 1: I know man, I know
[They turn back to Joseph]
Joseph: well at least let me talk to the officer who arrested him, the one who knows about my wife
[The officers look at each other, knowingly]
Police officer 2: ok [pause] ill go and get him
[Police officer 2 exits. There is a awkward silence left in the room now the air of urgency has vanished]
Joseph: [after a pause] so do you know this guy?
Police officer 1: [smirks] yeah, I know "The Harmer all right
Joseph: why do you call him "The Harmer?
Police officer 1: he's unorthodox, doesn't do things by the book. He's always the bad cop, if you know what I mean
Joseph: yeah
Police officer 1: the mans a legend around here, made more arrests that have lead to convictions than any other cop here in the past 20 years
Joseph: whats his name?
[Police officer 2 returns, preventing this last question from being answered]
Police officer 2: yeah, Officer Palmer isn't in today
Police officer 1: [to police officer 2] really, he hasn't been in all week
Joseph: what did you say his name was?
Police officer 2: [in an offhand manner] Donnie Palmer
Joseph: [incomprehensibly] what!
Police officer 1: Donnie "the harmer Palmer
Joseph: [standing up and looking out of sorts] I need to get out of here
Police officer 2: well, if that's all you can tell us, then there is no reason why we can let you go
Joseph: ok. Thank you
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