I have 69 stories published in
5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 67500 times
and 62 of my stories have been cherry picked. 43 of my 173 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 46 votes
43 of my comments have received 46 Great Feedback votes
2 Votes
Flows so well, and the rhymes
Posted on Mon, 01 Nov 2021
Flows so well, and the rhymes add to the swelling message, which resonates with me as there is a development, down the road from me, in the last throes of the planning cycle, that will be built on a flood plain and is a black skies site. Local...
This is such a rich and dense poem which evokes the man himself. This is one to savour again and again and allow the words to wash over. You should record this and it would be great to hear the cadence of you in this poem.
Very clever interpretation. This got me thinking - which is never a good thing - about beginnings and endings; the art is to begin something and have the ending in mind, and to build towards that with an open mind and heart and with respect. But...
D, this is the beginning of a longer set of memories from this remarkable lady, most of them lined with darkness, but she also talks about lightness, which I hope I have also captured when I come to the telling.
The joy of paganism, the relighting of fires and looking forward to the next harvest with hope refilled. Great poem, Paul, well deserving of all the accolades.
The contrast between the plastic, the throwaway consumer society and the grim realities of life, pushed into the backs of our minds by the gaudiness of the Fair, is portrayed with subtle power and heightened by the last lines which create a...
Flows so well, and the rhymes
Posted on Mon, 01 Nov 2021
Flows so well, and the rhymes add to the swelling message, which resonates with me as there is a development, down the road from me, in the last throes of the planning cycle, that will be built on a flood plain and is a black skies site. Local...
Read full commentPosted in A Northern Song
This is such a rich and dense
Posted on Sun, 08 Aug 2021
This is such a rich and dense poem which evokes the man himself. This is one to savour again and again and allow the words to wash over. You should record this and it would be great to hear the cadence of you in this poem.
Read full commentPosted in Fleeting Observations Of A Poet
Very clever interpretation.
Posted on Wed, 07 Apr 2021
Very clever interpretation. This got me thinking - which is never a good thing - about beginnings and endings; the art is to begin something and have the ending in mind, and to build towards that with an open mind and heart and with respect. But...
Read full commentPosted in Humpty Dumpty
D, this is the beginning of a
Posted on Sat, 08 Jul 2023
D, this is the beginning of a longer set of memories from this remarkable lady, most of them lined with darkness, but she also talks about lightness, which I hope I have also captured when I come to the telling.
Read full commentPosted in (This Life) Part 10 – Chapter 1: The Dream Catcher’s Tale
Thank you L for reading and
Posted on Wed, 13 Jul 2022
Thank you L for reading and the feedback. The story was already there and I tried to be as objective as possible in the telling. Glad you enjoyed it.
Posted in (This Life) Part 9: Forever Pure
Thank you, Lena. This is
Posted on Mon, 03 Jan 2022
Thank you, Lena. This is about Rwanda and the Ntarama Church which was supposed to be a sanctuary, but proved no match for the mob.
There seems to be growing trend with butchers these days to dress their windows with their "goods" and...
Read full commentPosted in (This Life) Part 3: The Butcher’s Wi(n)dow
wonderful blend of old and
Posted on Wed, 27 Oct 2021
wonderful blend of old and new to create an original.
Read full commentPosted in Wintered Thin
wonderful imagery
Posted on Wed, 06 Oct 2021
wonderful imagery complimented by the subtle verse, highlighting your skills as a poet.
This morning I was on the village common and looking up at the sky was reminded that there is a blue beyind the grey, lightning streaks breaking...
Read full commentPosted in October robin
The joy of paganism, the
Posted on Tue, 19 Oct 2021
The joy of paganism, the relighting of fires and looking forward to the next harvest with hope refilled. Great poem, Paul, well deserving of all the accolades.
Read full commentPosted in Samhain and Beyond
The contrast between the
Posted on Tue, 24 Aug 2021
The contrast between the plastic, the throwaway consumer society and the grim realities of life, pushed into the backs of our minds by the gaudiness of the Fair, is portrayed with subtle power and heightened by the last lines which create a...
Read full commentPosted in jormungandr