(This Life) Part 8: Love and The Clarinet Maker

By bhi
- 1094 reads
(This Life) Part 8: Love and The Clarinet Maker
“echoes within echoes of echoes
I’m woken at the witching hour,
echoes of echoes within echoes…”
At precisely 16 past 6
They emerge from their snot-green house
On their way to the KGV -
Loola waiting, their table set,
Coffee black for him, hers a tea,
And a shared breakfast of fried kidneys –
The faint smell of The Liffey strong
In their wake as they pass the tall grass
That licks and laps The Great Oak’s root,
He the spit of James - black hatted,
Shirt immaculate, trousers sharp –
And she, Maeve, hair wet, dripping still
From the music of his skilled hands,
The very same which have cut and shaped
The curve and bore of clarinets
These past forty years and more.
I’ve watched his hands work the lathe –
on Open Artist Studio days –
the lengths of wood precisely shorn,
the joints submerged then in oil
while his mastery was turned
to the making of the keys,
each subtle signature unique,
the demonstration attended
by a siren’s song that rose full
A throated from the room beyond.
Bewitched I’d listened, the sound black,
Re-drawing me.
I’d spun
green as the first fruit -
its fruit, the fruit of all fruits -
dissolving in the sound, its webs
then just as I began to drown
opened another, music morning bread sweet,
a white rush of notes - his clarinet -
joining in the flow soft and thin,
gentle as the touch of flowers,
his breath and hers, his heart and hers
fusing, nesting in that space
between day and night and I awed
could only watch their love’s passion play,
born of itself, a symphony,
the universe itself
rises in me echoes of echoes,
echoes within echoes of echoes,
echoes of echoes within echoes,
of you and I, our shared odyssey,
sails first unfurled in Dublin’s City.
Each day I watch them stride past the Plough,
Their shadows touching, lengthening,
Love wrapped into the loose twist of their hands.
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Pick of the Day
With writing as wonderful as the story of love and beauty that it tells, this is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day. Please do share/retweet if you enjoyed it too.
Picture copyright free from Pixabay.
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Another beautiful piece -
Another beautiful piece - thank you so much for this. Very well deserved golden cherries
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This made me think of
This made me think of Midsummer Night's Dream, the way music and love weave through Nature like enchantment, and Nature weaves through us. You make a feeling of great strength, yet all your descriptions are so delicate, the touch of flowers, loosely held hands, echoing memories
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