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I have 292 stories published in 18 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 399513 times and 120 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Brooklands's picture

My stories


Choconana sandwiches at Southwold

Poor horizon, that's not a seagull. That's a kite in the shape of a seagull.

Advice for balloons #3

Hang around outside the YMCA until a boy with a static haircut takes you by the string.

Advice for balloons #2

No need to fear the bats; they see in sound. Teach them mathematics with your expository shape.

New Things

I have already been perfect once, this morning: my horse's nose, my gibbon's corrugated brow, the splendid chain-mail of my reptilian neck. (A poem written for Pascale Petit's workshop on the Guardian website.)

Advice for balloons

Rise above the Roman Catholic Cathedral and push off towards the balconys of the waffle-stack estate.
