Ciaran Samuel Pinnell

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I have 14 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 6723 times

Ciaran Samuel Pinnell's picture
Ciaran Pinnell

My stories

The Mountains of Zar'roc part 2: Mallenoux Caves

And so, Zanik and the adventurer set out on the boat that would lead them into perilious journeys.


Mushroomas are strange things that grow in the land of Mushrooma Land, which appears once a year. Why they are one earth: some sort of pointless reason. Lifespan: 1 day. Huhuhuh.

Plane survival

A random story by my bro and me. Funny.

The Mountains of Zar'roc part 1: Korani Village

He walked up the to the edge of the cliff and climbed down on to the beach. There, waiting for him was Forono. And then they set off for the rest of the world...
