David Kirtley

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I have 411 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 269863 times and 18 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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David Kirtley

My stories

Looking At Us (Hope It All Goes Away)

What has happened to us? Have we become someone new, more frightened, more extreme, more judgemental of our neighbours? Are we critical of the man...

Calban Attends A concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 5

The woman of Calban's dreams, Clarella the lawyer, seems to be available suddenly, but the moment is soon lost and he is left in confusion. This is set in Marta City, in the continent of Gallanol, where long hours of work and an overdeveloped economy have made life very dull indeed. The Neo Creadds hope to encourage change in society and an improvement in the quality of life.

Calban Attends A Concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 4

Calban's interest in Clarella, the lawyer, is detected by Vera, his mentor, who encourages him to be more confident. This is set in Marta City, in the continent of Gallanol, where long hours of work and an overdeveloped economy have made life very dull indeed. The Neo Creadds hope to encourage change in society, and an improvement in the quality of life. until now Calban has been a victim of society.

Playing Golf While Rome Catches The Virus

Rome was burning. Nero practised his violin to keep his mind off the ruin of his great city. Meanwhile Trump tried to cut taxes for the rich businessmen, desperately slashing Obamacare. Then the virus came.....!

I Just Can't Be Happy Today (Virus Version)

(Based on/ influenced by the lyrics of the famous 1979 track by The Damned) They’re closing the schools They’re storing the books The church is empty...
