David Kirtley

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I have 410 stories published in 16 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 267458 times and 18 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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David Kirtley

My stories

Calban Attends A Concert : A Night Out (Ch.17) Part 3

Calban meets a lawyer and group member named Clarella at the concert, and to his surprise finds she is interested to talk to him. Quickly this becomes the most memorable evening of his life. He looks forward to hopefully meeting her at the next group event. This is set in Marta City, in the continent of Gallanol, in the Modern Age.


Empty Streets in my town, The tourists have all gone home, to self isolate. Climate change is put on hold, We’re saving lots of fuel now, no one’s...

Spirit of the Age 2 (What Purpose)

Rock Rock Rock, Ha Ha Ha, I can feel the fear in the western world, Our children turned into punks, Spitting hate and derision, Creating sarcasm,...

Spirit of the Age 1

Eclectic Electric, I stay up all night, into the night, Writing the lyrics of the Golden Age, I put Hawkwind on YouTube, when I should have been in...

Brave New World 1 and 2

Brave New World 13/11/19 Father Tom listened to the child as he requested his playlist on the music computer in the kitchen. “Alexa play my umm...
