20/1/25 Alfred should be reading or studying the details of Trump’s inauguration speech! But he had missed much of it. Apparently America is going to...
21/7/24 (1/8/24) Alfred becomes Prime Minister in the Modern Age, winning contests within the Labour Party and becoming their leader. He had already...
224 of my comments have received 235 Great Feedback votes
3 Votes
Well chosen words in your
Posted on Tue, 10 Sep 2024
Well chosen words in your poem, which explain exactly how so many politicians, and the media allow this awful carnage to persist, without actually doing anything very useful to cause it to end, or at least to moderate it. It is as if we have all...
Yes, a nice description of a beach at that time and place. I like the title, 'Where Maps End' particularly. There is some of that feeling at most coastlines, and deserts too. Perhaps that is part of the trouble with the modern world ; the maps...
I am pleased you are recovering successfully now. Your piece did explain what is like to be a patient for that operation very well. I read it with interest.Toileting can be a big problem, and your piece shows just how important it is to get it...
I was starting to like Obogo until he decided Earth should be vaporised! He should certainly be giving Earth a bit more of a chance, but I suppose we can't entirely blame him as earth humans do seem to have lost their way a lot recently. Not a...
I can visualise the Great Ship going down with your well chosen words! You describe the ship being the conclusion of art and design progress, symbol of a great developing modern culture of engineering and culture and style. It went down bravely...
Thanks Drew. It is great to be chosen, that must be a first for me! This one came together in the run up to Easter as I considered what this time of replenishment really means, or should mean. If it can help to encourage us to work together for a...
As I was reading I was expecting the worst as your threatening disaster occurred! I am glad you survived it, and that you actually managed to get your flu jabs! I thought you would get cancelled at the last minute. That was an exciting read, a...
A heartwarming story! Your kindness and care towards the cats is impressive and worthy. Kindness towards animals is, in my opinion, a sign of innate goodness, to be respected!
There is a nice feeling to this poem. It almost makes me wish I had been a bit older in 1970 and could remember it better! But youth can be at any time. All of us experience these moments when we are free, or optimistic, carefree.
Well chosen words in your
Posted on Tue, 10 Sep 2024
Well chosen words in your poem, which explain exactly how so many politicians, and the media allow this awful carnage to persist, without actually doing anything very useful to cause it to end, or at least to moderate it. It is as if we have all...
Read full commentPosted in Memo to a new Labour MP Regarding Israel’s Latest Atrocity
Yes, a nice description of a
Posted on Tue, 12 Nov 2024
Yes, a nice description of a beach at that time and place. I like the title, 'Where Maps End' particularly. There is some of that feeling at most coastlines, and deserts too. Perhaps that is part of the trouble with the modern world ; the maps...
Read full commentPosted in Where Maps End
I am pleased you are
Posted on Thu, 07 Nov 2024
I am pleased you are recovering successfully now. Your piece did explain what is like to be a patient for that operation very well. I read it with interest.Toileting can be a big problem, and your piece shows just how important it is to get it...
Read full commentPosted in Hip Op The Second
I was starting to like Obogo
Posted on Wed, 25 Sep 2024
I was starting to like Obogo until he decided Earth should be vaporised! He should certainly be giving Earth a bit more of a chance, but I suppose we can't entirely blame him as earth humans do seem to have lost their way a lot recently. Not a...
Read full commentPosted in Unleashed
I can visualise the Great
Posted on Mon, 10 Apr 2023
I can visualise the Great Ship going down with your well chosen words! You describe the ship being the conclusion of art and design progress, symbol of a great developing modern culture of engineering and culture and style. It went down bravely...
Read full commentPosted in A Night to Remember
Thanks Drew. It is great to
Posted on Sat, 08 Apr 2023
Thanks Drew. It is great to be chosen, that must be a first for me! This one came together in the run up to Easter as I considered what this time of replenishment really means, or should mean. If it can help to encourage us to work together for a...
Read full commentPosted in Easter : A Prayer For The Future by Alfred N.Muggins
As I was reading I was
Posted on Mon, 24 Oct 2022
As I was reading I was expecting the worst as your threatening disaster occurred! I am glad you survived it, and that you actually managed to get your flu jabs! I thought you would get cancelled at the last minute. That was an exciting read, a...
Read full commentPosted in You Never Know
A heartwarming story! Your
Posted on Tue, 04 Jan 2022
A heartwarming story! Your kindness and care towards the cats is impressive and worthy. Kindness towards animals is, in my opinion, a sign of innate goodness, to be respected!
Read full commentPosted in Priyatelka, Turlough and the House of Cats
There is a nice feeling to
Posted on Tue, 20 Apr 2021
There is a nice feeling to this poem. It almost makes me wish I had been a bit older in 1970 and could remember it better! But youth can be at any time. All of us experience these moments when we are free, or optimistic, carefree.
Read full commentPosted in Before We Kissed Goodnight
These are good pieces, well
Posted on Tue, 19 Jun 2018
These are good pieces, well written and intelligent visions of the future!
Read full commentPosted in UV (Part 3) - Dillon