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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 455571 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

implications of a grieving dog

her friend showed her a picture of a grieving dog---it’d been roaming round the net apparently & when he did, the look on his own face was sad to begin with,


coming across a body of work (literary, visual, theoretical, physical, aural---all evidently significant to what it is to be human amidst other humans in the present, here) put forth

the total cost

to those struggling to stay afloat, performing that ever-amusing balancing act, standing on the raft of dwindling “faith,” while the river of rationality, science & reason

simple math

a nation of increasing unemployment, severely increasing debt & corporate greed that does not respect its employees, treating them like disposable cogs (to be squeezed for every drop of

waiting for a tragedy

though the reality of death enveloping everyone we love (swallowing our worlds up whole like a vacuum doing in those ants that cruise along the surface of
