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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 455598 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

conversation addict

have you met her/him? seen her/him there, twitching in the corner, because there is nothing to relate to or no one to chat with? have you seen the dependence (seen the words drip

project of compassion

be careful not to become someone’s project of compassion--- for there are those who find a way to fill themselves (the hole so deep & bleeding) up by taking care of another


the rain yapping outside & pattering the window pane, the sun just behind the clouds waiting in the wing, the bodies rolling in the quiet afternoon passion, sounds resonating louder than the


s'il y avait eu suffisante épouvantail à effrayer tous ceux qui essaient de croa croa croa au cours de la s'ensuit cours des événements, puis, éventuellement, il aurait pu être un

of considerable faith

treading water during the day to day during the 9 to five full of hatred full of anger but willed with the cowardice of those who hope there’s a “god” so as to get
