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I have 222 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 382403 times and 160 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Drew Gummerson

Author of Me and Mickie James (Jonathan Cape) and The Lodger (GMP), and many stories here and there. Follow me at @drewgum. Seven Nights At The Flamingo Hotel is coming November 2020. Pre-order here https://www.beardedbadgerpublishing.com/online-store

My stories

Just What She Wanted to Hear. Almost

Just What She Wanted to Hear. Almost In the night Ninny made a big decision. She was going to see Sho Shi Shang. As soon as Petrach left for the...


Investigations Their son went to the doctor ten times and each time he was smaller, not a lot, but enough to make a difference. After the fifth visit...

Having More Tests

Having More Tests This time Petrach requested a fully-qualified doctor to be present. "It's not that I don't trust you Ms Pinkwhistle," he said to...

Growing Apart

Growing Apart Ninny poked Petrach awake and begged him not to go to work. "If you didn't want me to go," said Petrach rubbing the curve of Ninny's...

First Tests

249 words about First Tests
