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I have 222 stories published in 10 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 382409 times and 160 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Drew Gummerson

Author of Me and Mickie James (Jonathan Cape) and The Lodger (GMP), and many stories here and there. Follow me at @drewgum. Seven Nights At The Flamingo Hotel is coming November 2020. Pre-order here https://www.beardedbadgerpublishing.com/online-store

My stories

X Mirror for Poets

Darts - intermission - normal service resumed soon

Outhouse Dreams

Outhouse Dreams Petrach followed the address on the gilt-edged card to a converted outhouse on the outskirts of town. In front of the outhouse on a...

Map News

Map News The next morning Petrach was woken by a tapping at the glass of the helicopter cockpit. He opened his eyes and saw Yogi's large flame-...

Late-night Visit

Late-night Visit When Ninny heard the knock she thought it was Petrach back from the helicopter repair shop and that he had forgotten his keys. She...


Kudos Ninny knew that Petrach would be angry. However, her news was the only hope she had to cling to and she didn't want to cling to it alone. She...
