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I have 12 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 15643 times and 6 of my stories have been cherry picked.

ellydawn's picture
Elly Hobson

My stories


Every morning I wake and hesitate, I check the mirror and search my face and ask ‘who is it today’? Sometimes she replies and other times she stays silent, content

Ten Cats and a DIY Investigation

It must be around here somewhere though I don’t remember putting it down and I’m sure I wouldn’t have given it away admittedly I can’t remember when I had it last

Terminal Velocity

It was all going so well in fact, you could say, it had great potential though it’s funny how quickly this turns into heartache and humiliation. I had started to dream
Poem of the week

Ode to Tomorrow [Revised]

Today has a funny taste and it smells queer, too and I keep having to move the aerial and twiddle with the knobs. I think today must have his flies down because yesterday and tomorrow


I am paying in home goals and this game is no fun because I am losing to the cosmos because my scorecard is marked and because the white towel seems to have been conveniently
