lost you
By ely_whitley
- 1101 reads
Will it start like we did with sex and jokes?
Will he seem like more than one of the blokes
in your new life?
Will the time feel right for somebody new-
this friend who stands out from the crowd around you
in your new life?
Fast forward a couple of years down the line,
you're living together it's all going fine.
He has one or two habits that play on your mind
just like I did.
But now that you're older you've learnt from the past.
You've committed again and this time it'll last
and besides, there's the baby now- growing up fast.
He's not my kid
Will you shorten the list of your little pet hates,
maybe keep a few secrets from one or two mates
for your new love?
Will the years that have passed maybe soften your view?
Will you look for the odd silver lining or two
for your new love?
I don't want to just be a lesson you've learned
in lengthening fuses and not getting burned,
what good is the fondness my love for you earned
as a memory?
I'd rather you stayed and let me make amends
than leave me to search for some new best friends
then start a new life, as mine slowly ends.
Don't forget me.
Will you think about me when you're biting your lip-
stick with what you've been dealt since you bet your last chip
on the new one?
Will my fatal mistakes be allowed to slip by?
Will you live and let live when you have to rely
on the new one?
Even if you look back then on what we've now got,
Thinking should you have given our love one last shot,
I don't want to be gone when you're wondering what
It has cost you.
Please don't walk away now and find someone new
who you're happy to love and you hope will love you
coz he will, and there won't be a thing I can do
I'll have lost you.
Will you smile if I knock on your door uninvited?
Say it's fine, make me tea and show me you're united
But still free
No, I'll stay on the step while you drag out your son
Because 'let's take a look at what you could have won'
Might just kill me
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