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I have 428 stories published in 11 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 336427 times and 79 of my stories have been cherry picked.
72 of my 565 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 72 votes

forest_for_ever's picture
Graham Fewell


My stories

Countdown Sunrise

Countdown Sunrise Today I saw the sunrise I’ve seen oft before I watched the fiery cosmic wonder As it tore the night asunder Soaring in the heavens...

Looking at Myself

I stared at my shaking hand It trembled in uncertain fear No avenging sword No mighty purpose My crusade to save the World To be a hero adored by all...

Now's A Good Time For Sleep

If my father-in-law slept in strange room with a clockwork clock he would put it in the drawer amidst the I miss the sound.

Travelling Free, Travelling On...And On...And On

My dream is to move as free as my dear friend the neutrino amoungst the stars and beyond...forever and ever. No lockdown can contain my imagination or my dreams...

A World Of Plenty

I am good at blaming others and not looking at myself. I forget too easily what I have wasted in the past. Just because I am being carful is for life not just for Christmas.
