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I have 770 stories published in 7 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 490579 times and 77 of my stories have been cherry picked.

Geoffrey's picture
Geoffrey Ball

My stories

The saga of a new electric fire

Mary feels the cold and had a two bar electric fire for a mere fifty years. Then it went wrong!

How many workmen does it take to repair an electric cable

My friend Mary lives in a flat on South Bank which is a fairly steep road behind Surbiton station.

Collecting rock labels is bad for your teeth

Seaside rock is quite unique For each stick has a label My neighbour travels round the world And finds me rock when she is able When she comes home I eat the rock


My name is Fred Warren and I’m ninety-seven years old. People tell me that they wouldn’t think so to look at me, but I really am that age.

Gone fishing

At the age of twenty five Elizabeth was beginning to feel that marriage might have passed her by.
