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I have 174 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 279843 times and 92 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Gayle Letherby

I love to write. I am a sociologist who publishes mostly in the areas of methodology (including creative ways to present data), reproduction and non/parental identity, meanings and experiences of love, loss and the aftermath of death, solitude and/or loneliness, gender and identity, working and learning in higher education and travel and transport. I  have been writing fiction and memoir for about 14 years and draw on my own experience - both personal and academic - in my work. Other inspriations come from the books I enjoy and the news items that make me cross. 

Gayle Letherby

My stories


Random Acts

Along with hundreds of others I recently submitted a short story to @twenty4stories the project which aims to raise money for PTSD (post-traumatic...

For John - Experiences and legacies of brutality

When his children (our marriage was a second one for both of us) were in their early teens my late husband John was never able to find a complete...

Why was the girl at the railway station crying?

Why was the girl at the railway station crying? Maybe just a woman but not yet two decades old. Why was the girl at the railway station crying?...

Being Other

Expectation (on multiple levels), preparation, anticipation, expectation (joyful this time) once more. Loss, pain (lots of pain, the physical far...

If Big Ben Was a Dandelion Clock

If Big Ben was a dandelion clock, It wouldn’t go tick-tock. Or BONG, BONG, BONG. . . If Big Ben was a dandelion clock, How would we know when to...
