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I have 174 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
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Gayle Letherby

I love to write. I am a sociologist who publishes mostly in the areas of methodology (including creative ways to present data), reproduction and non/parental identity, meanings and experiences of love, loss and the aftermath of death, solitude and/or loneliness, gender and identity, working and learning in higher education and travel and transport. I  have been writing fiction and memoir for about 14 years and draw on my own experience - both personal and academic - in my work. Other inspriations come from the books I enjoy and the news items that make me cross. 

Gayle Letherby

My stories


The Rendezvous

Six months on from my first visit to The Rendezvous , the nightclub at the far end of town, I'm still excited as I get ready. My first visit was on...

Death and Stuff

One day last week I lifted the garage door, took a look, and quickly retreated. A couple of months ago the last of my furniture and boxed up goods...

‘Dear Darling Daughter’: letters, sore knees, chicken legs

Amongst some of my most treasured possessions are the small number of letters that my dad wrote me the summer before his death in January 1979. I was...

Reflections of Mother’s Day as a Motherless, Childless Woman

A couple of Sunday's ago my evening viewing was upset a little by the chosen format for that night’s edition of The Big Painting Challenge (BBC One,...

AND SO TO SLEEP (for World Sleep Day)

I find it difficult to sleep, sometimes, Increasingly more often than not. There are reasons, excuses, explanations, As a ‘woman of a certain age’,...
