I have 145 stories published in
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They are demonised and despised From 'hoodie-tops',red glowing eyes Stare out on 'Broken-Britain's' streets To the thumping sound of bass-bin-beats. Teenage monsters set to DESTROY!
We were warned but we didn't listen. We continued on the same road without turning off. We ignored the signs leading onto slip-roads. We eased off the pedals
All I needed was a bag To carry the weight in. The weight that I'd been balancing on my head for years so that my neck had become crooked and buckled. All I needed was a bag
The way I stack cutlery with the sharp bits facing down The way my expression is fixed into a frown The way I leave the sponge in the filthy sink to soak
In the first hard year of teaching I left you to the cooking, Knowing on the grey A12 I would return to something good; something worth the waiting. But through the credit crunch