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I have 145 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 86378 times and 29 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Joseph Harvey

My stories


For Sale to Sold in a flash.

The Work of The Weavers - After A Traditional Folk Song

Consumers in the high street Don’t give us another thought Too busy buying lifestyles while our lives have all been bought They pay a pretty penny but we get near to nought


Her wishes and ashes Took me to Newcastle Cheap Bed and Breakfast Opposite Westgate Bowling Hadrian’s wall glimpsed Between Sari and betting shops? Over the hilltops

Unused Expressions

"I'm as hot as a pancake," I gasped, Walking a hill of chalk and cheese. Knee-high to a bird in the bush, wiping my feet on my Qs and Ps. Time goes fast when your waiting for good things.


Old photographers never die, eh... They just go out of focus. Teachers on breath and signalling with 'Castella Classic' smoke, how does the weary world look through your magnifying glass?
