I have 145 stories published in
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“Why do we have to study Shakespeare, anyway?” I recall Joshua sneering, his shirt hanging out and pinging a ruler off the chipped end of the formica...
The children, half fledged and pale faced, were a raggle-taggle bunch, with red eyes swollen and snotty noses, their duffle coats buttoned up against...
It takes a fifteen year old girl to put us all to shame She says “I’ll not go to your schools no more For you pissed my future down the drain” Which...
Thanks A Bunch It was Easter holidays, I’d been in to do a bit of marking And make sure the ‘Speaking and Listening’ had been entered Sarah a nd the...
Amazing. Great poem. Knocked
Posted on Sat, 21 Mar 2015
Amazing. Great poem. Knocked me sideways.
Posted in With the Mother of all Headaches...