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I have 145 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 88957 times and 29 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 49 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

harveyjoseph's picture
Joseph Harvey

My stories

Something Rotten

“Why do we have to study Shakespeare, anyway?” I recall Joshua sneering, his shirt hanging out and pinging a ruler off the chipped end of the formica...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

Black Friday

They called it a monthly ‘folk session’ but it wasn’t what you’d call trad all the way– Derek, he’s the landlord or was (retired and moved to Al...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

The Lost Children

The children, half fledged and pale faced, were a raggle-taggle bunch, with red eyes swollen and snotty noses, their duffle coats buttoned up against...

Which Side Are You On?

It takes a fifteen year old girl to put us all to shame She says “I’ll not go to your schools no more For you pissed my future down the drain” Which...

Thanks A Bunch

Thanks A Bunch It was Easter holidays, I’d been in to do a bit of marking And make sure the ‘Speaking and Listening’ had been entered Sarah a nd the...


1 of my comments has received 1 Great Feedback vote

1 Vote

Amazing. Great poem. Knocked

Posted on Sat, 21 Mar 2015

Amazing. Great poem. Knocked me sideways.


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Posted in With the Mother of all Headaches...