Unmindful now of life's sharp sting, Of worldly ways, of wanton waste; Just give me but a little thing - A day, an hour, A leaf, a flower. Uncaring as the brief flame dies
See the spaceships come and go Close-binding worlds together; Whence they travel who can know Upon the green hills of Earth - - -Where winter's flown and the spring is sown
The topmost storeys burn, blacking out the sun Like a Hell in Heaven; a flaming sword, A sky-clad firebrand ......... Too late - He has no choice. The downward stairs are blocked;
Behold my smile, the sunbright pearl That fuses gold across the sky; Behold my eyes, the crystal fires Soft-dreaming as the worlds spin by. And hear awhile my quiet voice
"Follow me," said the Silver Sky-Rider, "Into my ship of shimmering blue; Daylight dies and the night is falling, Many the worlds that wait for you. There is more beyond the Heaven