Jane Hyphen

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I have 347 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 547555 times and 433 of my stories have been cherry picked.
434 of my 2,396 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 461 votes

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My stories

Gold cherry
Poem of the week

Somebody Sang and I saw the Colour Blue

Somebody sang and I saw the colour blue a long song about distance, how far.. How far are the things which are just out of reach? In searching we...
Gold cherry

The Dirty Christmas Kiss

Life is twisted, things don’t always go in straight lines but as long as you can get back on the path, you might be okay; that was the conclusion I...
Gold cherry
Poem of the week
Pick of the Month


Walking in the dead grey November days, just slits Open wide enough to see Magpies gather in a tree ‘You’re alive,’ they rasp I check myself; a...
Gold cherry

Autopsy of a Boss

We don’t know how he died, he was slumped over the scanner, no real sign of injury but a drip, like a blood road, stark red against his pale skin had...

Trodden Steps

How many trodden steps? Pain contained, muted In this our survival trance We were treading the abyss The sparks of our youth Extinguished in the mud...


434 of my comments have received 461 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

This is invigorating Rhiannon

Posted on Mon, 09 Oct 2017

This is invigorating Rhiannon, cleansing, almost like the real thing..

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Posted in Nordy Bank Fort 5/10/17

1 Vote

This was a really interesting

Posted on Sun, 20 Aug 2017

This was a really interesting read and refreshing. I spent some time living in Devon and I must say my heart broke a little when I left. When is something as unspeakable as the holocaust and other horrific war incidents truly dealt with? As long...

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Posted in Outcomes of my Dad's recent Funeral in London

1 Vote

Unusual poem, it works really

Posted on Wed, 02 Aug 2017

Unusual poem, it works really well. As an admirer of moss I think you have done it justice, really love, 'moist micro city'. Moss is much underrated, close up, in the sunlight it's really beautiful. 

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Posted in Moss

1 Vote

The letter was such a

Posted on Tue, 25 Jul 2017

The letter was such a different animal to the modern forms of communication. You've described here so well the processes and pitfalls as well as the artfulness of letter writing Rhiannon.

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Posted in Tangled Threads

1 Vote

So true, where will the

Posted on Sun, 23 Jul 2017

So true, where will the upgrading end? Everytime i watch the Olympics, especially the gymnastics I wonder how high will they jump in another four years, how many spins? I am also for degrading, possibly devolving too, back in the caves, grunting...

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Posted in I’m not upgrading

1 Vote

Was that a true story? Not

Posted on Thu, 13 Jul 2017

Was that a true story? Not predictable and very engaging. As above, come back with more strange tales...

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Posted in What happens near Rome

1 Vote

Love this, especially the

Posted on Thu, 06 Jul 2017

Love this, especially the woman with the parking ticket. Made me feel a bit jealous of the person in the poem(you?); I could really do with being 'all but free' and a big thunderstorm would be lovely.

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Posted in Tail-end

1 Vote

The challenges underfoot make

Posted on Mon, 03 Jul 2017

The challenges underfoot make the process all the more satisfying . Love the idea of bracken as cladding and the anticipation your words build of of the view over the other side.

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Posted in Mynydd Troed

1 Vote

Lovely description of bird

Posted on Sat, 24 Jun 2017

Lovely description of bird song, it really is invigorating isn't it.

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Posted in Evening Song

1 Vote

I thoroughly enjoyed this, it

Posted on Tue, 30 May 2017

I thoroughly enjoyed this, it's so intimate but of course not sentimental. The part about your mum made me think a lot about myself, I must become more of a grown up! Well deserved story of the week.

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Posted in My Mother and I aren't Talking and Other Tales.
