Jane Hyphen

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I have 347 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 547555 times and 433 of my stories have been cherry picked.
434 of my 2,396 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 461 votes

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My stories

Gold cherry

Dark Rooms

By the time she realised It was too late The label stitched, double Stitches deep inside How the needle stabbed For all the years Ahead to lay upon a...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

Anthony and Cleopatra

Some days it’s all a blur; people are a blur, the weather blurs sun and cloud, windless air and blurred voices carried on the breeze, the blurred...

I Didn't Kill the Scarlet Beetles

I didn’t kill the scarlet beetles Who fed and fornicated upon The pregnant buds of beauty My martagon lilies, frilly nods Which shalt not come if I...
Gold cherry
Story of the week

I Woke Up (in inverted commas)

I woke up in inverted commas. That is I woke but didn’t feel fully awake, it happens to all of us doesn’t it but this time it was different. There...
Gold cherry

I won't leave my Walled Garden

I won’t leave my walled garden Through scores of season cycles I’ve nursed and nourished soil And plucked the lump stone To form freethinking loam...


434 of my comments have received 461 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Yes she did @Di_Hard and Rod

Posted on Sat, 02 Mar 2019

Yes she did @Di_Hard and Rod and Karen didn't know how to react because that's not their currency.

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Posted in The Love of the Loveless (Chapter 6) (3)

1 Vote

This is beautiful Jenny.

Posted on Sun, 03 Mar 2019

This is beautiful Jenny. There is a sense of nature being effortless yet it always trumps human creations. I love the idea of it all being at your back door, I'm the same, I really appreciate my little garden and as one thing fades there is...

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Posted in Precious Nature

1 Vote

I love it too, it's

Posted on Mon, 04 Mar 2019

I love it too, it's unconfined, perhaps you are a bird after all.

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Posted in Conversation of a Tree

1 Vote

A storm, however brief does

Posted on Thu, 14 Feb 2019

A storm, however brief does seem to bring with it a change of behaviour in our wildlife as well as the palpable change in atmosphere. This is a lovely tribute. I really enjoyed 'globules released from dark sky splashing.' We missed most of the...

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Posted in Embracing The Storm

1 Vote

I too love the arrangement

Posted on Tue, 12 Feb 2019

I too love the arrangement Rhiannon, it really works and of course the theme is perfect for February, the soil warming and those seeds about to burst unseen with so much in store.

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Posted in Seasons Connect

1 Vote

'Somewhere like yesterday'

Posted on Mon, 11 Feb 2019

'Somewhere like yesterday' sad truth in these words and it's a beautiful poem too. Thanks for linking it to mine. I also love to see work inspired by other writers on here as I'm so often inspired myself.

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Posted in driverless

1 Vote

Thanks celticman. Your

Posted on Mon, 04 Feb 2019

Thanks celticman. Your comments in riddley rhyme motivate me time after time.smiley

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Posted in Bedtime Rituals

1 Vote

I love 'pure pearls' Rhiannon

Posted on Mon, 04 Feb 2019

I love 'pure pearls' Rhiannon and also 'rich greening'. They are such a pure little flower braving the cold and warming the beds for the spring flowers to come. 

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Posted in Snowdrops

1 Vote

It's so beautiful Rhiannon, I

Posted on Sat, 02 Feb 2019

It's so beautiful Rhiannon, I don't think I've ever seen one of these birds and your poem is a graceful tribute.

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Posted in Avocet

1 Vote

This is neat. It makes me

Posted on Sat, 02 Feb 2019

This is neat. It makes me think of all those molecules and everything else sleeping, unseen, there's so much we don't see. Looking forward to warmer times, mercury creeping.

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Posted in A Molecule Lies Sleeping
