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I have 6 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 8435 times

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Jeremy Lee Hamilton

My collections

My stories


dissolution of an innocence the murder of purity marked by a crown of blood

my family lives in a box

*updated* my family lives in a box I go and see them everyday for I dont live in the box there I watch my brothers play but I dont play in a box.

(substance p)

This is Dr. Stella Moore, your driver and we have arrived. And then there’s nothing but darkness heavy and all around me... noir ish thriller

the boat (part 1 and 2)

dark thriller about a boy, a boat, and predation.

the boat (part 1 of 5)

Lying there, in the middle of the sea, I thought about the future and the past, and how black the blood looked in the big-moon light
