If I could show you all the love in me, this is waht you see a wheel for support, a lock for security, I will love only you 7 horshoes for luck, a cross for my faith
Once again i make the same mistake I always do, Sacrifice reality for my substitute, (my fantasy)(/s) Now you may think crazy for what I do, yet it only what my heart
Hei, talk to me because I can't feel you near or hear your heart. How do I know you even real or do i dream you up for me Find I think of you again do you think
Oh is it all as it seems? Thought I was your one, in my dreams! Tie knots in my soul as you would if you were will. Is it as I believe? Please, dont confuse me anymore!
As the walls came down, only stone still stood, the fires of rebellion, took down all the wood. The one most protected, hidden up in this keep, handing them over worse