Kurt Rellians

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I have 238 stories published in 14 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 185402 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
30 of my 361 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 31 votes

Kurt Rellians's picture
Kurt Rellians

My stories

Alien Opportunities Ch.2 : An Introduction To The Alien Household Part 1

Chris is enjoying work in the alien run business. He is invited to do some serving tasks in the Alien Household, supervised by the wife of the boss Braidt. He finds he is getting on well with Braidt, and she begins to make unusual requests, which human employers would have never made.

Alien Opportunities Ch.1 : New Opportunities Part 3

Chris begins work in the alien run wholesale business. He is given the task of selecting unpublished books of value so that the aliens can publish them. Unexpectedly he finds this work could well be pleasurable and interesting.

Alien Opportunities Ch.1 : New Opportunities Part 2

Unhappy with his nine to five job, Chris applies for a job, and finds it is an alien run business. He attends the interview and comes into contact with the aliens for the first time. He begins to find out more about them.

Alien Opportunities Ch.1 : New Opportunities Part 1

Chris is unhappy with his nine to five job, and finds out that the alien arrival, to live amongst us on Earth, has created new opportunities for work in alien employment.

Jaspernon The Prince : The Rise of the Cult of the Goddess : Ch.3: Part 2 Patience and the Cult (Section 1)

High Priestess Patience returns from the hard work of managing the Cult's work to find the Prince eager for further adventures. Set 1,000 years before the events in 'Life and Times of a Priestess'.
