Kurt Rellians

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I have 238 stories published in 14 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 194113 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
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Kurt Rellians

My stories

Princil's Magic : Ch.12 : Guthelm's Weakness (Part 2)

King Charlerion reveals something of his past, and of his fears regarding King Guthelm of Grumandria, to his concubine Remzain. She flippantly makes some suggestions to him concerning the barbarian Guthelm. Set in the fantasy land of Shalirion, which has been invaded by the barbarian nations.

Princil's Magic : Ch.12 : Guthelm's Weakness (Part 1)

King Charlerion of Pelancir tries to improve the effectiveness of his alliance with King Guthelm of Grumandria, but the tensions between their methods draw them apart. King Charlerion is not finding Guthelm a useful ally. Set in the fantasy land of Shalirion, which has been invaded by the barbarian nations.

Princil's Magic : Ch.11 : The Invasion Of The Cromil Valley

Barbarian King Guthelm's Invasion of the Cromil Valley does not go to plan, as the Shalirionites withdraw into the forests and seek to trick and ambush the Grumandrian invaders. It seems the defenders of Shalirion are using magic also.

Princil's Magic : Ch.10 : Festival At Bricas (Part 4: Aftermath: Section 2) News From Bricas, and Sorcerors

After Aribor the Sorceror has helped to save many in Bricas from his fellow Black Sorcerors, the news of the magic terror attacks reaches the ears of King Charlerion of Pelancir. The Black Sorcerors are partly satisfied by the effect of their Sorcery, but Aribor's absence is noted and queried. This is the continuation of my Dark Fantasy drama set in partly conquered Shalirion.

Princil's Magic : Ch.10 : Festival At Bricas (Part 4: Aftermath: Section 1)

The Festival goers, led by Aribor the Sorceror, spill out of the Temple to find the other damage done to the Temple and to the City, and to its people, by the Black Sorcerors and their spells. Also a short explanation of the post of the Empress Of Shalirion.
