Kurt Rellians

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I have 238 stories published in 14 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 184085 times and 5 of my stories have been cherry picked.
30 of my 361 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 31 votes

Kurt Rellians's picture
Kurt Rellians

My stories

Christmas In The 21st Century

Christmas in the 21st Century There’s too much given away for free. The artists are strangled and can’t make a living. They have to bang the doors...

Syria : Arab Autumn

Arab Spring (Arab Autumn) Look at the Arab Spring and where did that get them? Another dead country called Syria, with all its buildings smashed and...

Zap the Bastards

I would actually love to ‘Zap the Bastards’, but of course the real world isn’t that simple and most of us do know it, particularly after the lengthy...

Princil's Magic : Ch.8 : (Part 1) Goblins

The Sorceror Aribor, still suffering the loss of the beauty Remzain, observes Guthelm's goblin allies, raping and killing women of the conquered city. Her memory induces him to intervene to protect the women, which is out of character for a Black Sorceror.

Time Travellers from the 1960's : Ch.12 : The End Of The Dream

While Louise remains disappointed by the world of their future, Ted reminds her that this is the same world they would have been in as they aged. It is their world!
