L G Meadows

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I have 95 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 119196 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 340 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

L G Meadows's picture

Just a lady who loves words, poems, books... almost anything printed. Yes I occasionally read the back of the cereal box!

My stories

Sneaky Feet

If you want to sneak Don’t use elephant feet They’re not very sleek And pound out a beat The feet of a gazelle Might work quite well If they start to jump They might make a thump

Return to Paradise Lounge (IP)

I see you’ve returned To visit Paradise Lounge We’ve got some new ones in But the regulars are still around If you want a run down I’ll join you in a gin Come and sit beside me

I do not miss you (IP)

This morning when I awoke On cool sheets You were the first thought on my mind It has not been this way for a while And I miss missing you At least then I knew I had a heart

A Temptation Myth (IP) with apologies to the Isle of Sky

When the world was young it was formed in 3 levels. Earth formed the lower level, then there was a middle strata and a heavenly strata.

Autumn Hues

Frosted lace upon a crimson leaf Crystals of coldness lending Extraordinary beauty to a masterpiece of nature Mother Nature’s autumn pallet Russet, red-gold, amber, bronze
