L G Meadows

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I have 95 stories published in 5 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 111888 times and 10 of my stories have been cherry picked.
1 of my 340 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 1 vote

L G Meadows's picture

Just a lady who loves words, poems, books... almost anything printed. Yes I occasionally read the back of the cereal box!

My stories

Who Am I

Crowded, I am alone. Alone, I seek solitude from my thoughts Will the void never fill, The thoughts never stop Who, but me, knows What goes on behind the façade


Fading before my time Monochromatic greys Forgetting that life has to be led Not followed Lethargic Living in half measure Starving myself Rather than feasting On life’s banquet

Silly O'Clock

What time do you want to get up? What’s that you say? Silly o’clock? Ohhhhh, I’d not do that if I were you Funny things happen when you do! You’ve not heard? Oh I must say

Love on a Merry-Go-Round

It was love at first sight Flowing mane Chocolate brown eyes Gleaming teeth White coat, highly impractical Already showing signs of wear You were going round and round Like me

From the Womb

We are women, we are strong From our wombs come leaders of nations Painters of pictures so magnificent Or poets with words so beautiful The world weeps to see such genius
