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I have 5 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 2678 times

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Laura Gray

Only recently started to express myself through poetry. I may be a little rusty but I'm sure with help I will progress

My stories

Monday blues

Monday blues Driving home early morning Night shifts are done People rushing no one’s talking Faces full of gloom Grey skies raindrops falling...

Always in my heart

U was my heart u was my soul U was everything to me From that first day when we met I knew we was meant to be U made me smile u made me laugh we was...


GRANDADS GIRL From a little girl I knew what I wanted to be Every Sunday sat on Grandad’s knee We'd talk and watch films he'd tell. Me stories of the...


LOVED TO DEATH Surrounded by people that love and care for me I couldn’t be happier life is as perfect as can be I wake each morning with a smile on...


PHOBIA Trapped all alone screaming for help sweat pouring from me condensation on the walls Pushing to escape but it's all closing in Struggling to...