Lou Blodgett

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I have 203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 98524 times and 85 of my stories have been cherry picked.
9 of my 188 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 9 votes

Lou Blodgett's picture

"Lou Blodgett", standing proudly before vines.

My stories

I Can't Tell You...

Dear SmartValu Home Care Products: I can’t tell you how happy I am with your fragrance-free moisturizer (with lanolin). I really can’t. I love your...

Ode To A Carton Assembly Machine

A dust-streaked yeoman mechanism, thee. A loud and stolid juggernaut for card. And many boxes you have caused to be. You assemble cartons. Sharp...


“There are currently no regulations regarding the clearing of snow from sidewalks in the City of Green Falls.” Since the Save-a-Lot grocery has...

...and me without a washer

Pretty, multicolored grapes cascading and bouncing like on one of those game app commercials. To the floor, and I assume they’ll squish. In a second...

Uncle Aloysius

