Lou Blodgett

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I have 202 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 91079 times and 84 of my stories have been cherry picked.
9 of my 184 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 9 votes

Lou Blodgett's picture

"Lou Blodgett", standing proudly before vines.

My stories


Time of Leaders (2015) Part 1 of 11

This story should not be considered a guide either to foraging or the preparation of foraged products. Forage at your own risk. All characters and...

Waiting With Sparky

When I’m nostalgic, it’s mostly over times when I was waiting and preparing for something just before it went well. Just before something was...

Report to the Empircists Part 5/5

"We detected a note from far away," I told Marty, "and, at first, thought that it was a distress signal." "How far away?" he asked me. "At a spot...

Report to the Empircists Part 4/5

The session was gratifying, and of the type needed. We left the place of refreshment with Adjunct taking the rear, advising Julie to value all...

Report to the Empiricists Part 3/5

REPORT TO THE EMPIRICISTS, CONTINUED Three members of the crew were chosen for the surface party, myself, the ship contact, and a catalog expert who...
