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I have 1077 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 1854094 times and 588 of my stories have been cherry picked.
322 of my 4,894 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 330 votes

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Luigi Pagano

I have been a member of ABCtales since 2003.
I have  published five collections of poems: ‘Idle Thoughts’; ‘Reflections’; 'Cherry Ripe''; 'Poetry on Tap' and 'Cherry on Top' plus 'Guns and Dolls' – a short book containing three short stories – and three novelettes 'Jessica World', 'An Enquiring Mind' and 'A Life's Journey'
Digital versions of these can be found at Smashwords. and other distributors like Kobo and Barnes and Noble.

I was a member of Writers Group and indie publishers I*D Books based in Shotton, Flintshire until they ceased activity.
My work has been featured in various magazines and anthologies.

A regular contributor to I also contributed to the websites Poetry24 and I was ‘Writer of the Month’ on the latter in December 2005.


My stories


It Was Back In The 60s

Recalling the past. Church St., Kensington W8 -1963 .

Aged To Perfection

Many Britons are in denial about their real age, an attitude survey shows. A number of those who are 70 or over classed themselves as middle aged or even young .

High Spirits - (I.P.)

I was fond of berries, they were my main diet. The other kids ate cherries but did it on the quiet.

Beyond Comparison

Nothing else matters.

The Last Waltz

This poem of mine was included in the anthology "Aged to Perfection" published by Age Cymru for the 2010 Gwanwyn Festival.
