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I have 90 stories published in 4 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 385347 times and 90 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2 of my 1,523 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2 votes

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My stories

Gold cherry

Cowgirls in Oxford Circus

And this is the part where teenagers from Texas rodeo their way through Top Shop past smart trousered women with clipboards who tally up wide eyes and stuck out hipbones.
Gold cherry

OK Cupid

Take me swallow me acknowledge me and perhaps, if you dare love me and I will apologise when I leave a bitter taste.
Poem of the week

Imaginary Heartbeats

People nothing but people on either side of the room and mainly clustered round speakers in cacophonous flocks.

Nola Darling

This poem is named after a character in Spike Lee's film "She's Gotta Have It" And then, as a Tarantino heroine I’d slice his neck and blow into his severed head so he bursts like bubblegum.

Lonerism at an underground dance festival

back-lit by a ball of light that passes as the moon and lays me bare against the world but they’re all too drunk to see
