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I have 404 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 290842 times and 13 of my stories have been cherry picked.
34 of my 950 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 32 votes

maisie's picture
Rosalind J. Lee


Hi, no complaints recently!  See my work for sale below.

I play Empire. Kred from which I advertise my books, and enjoy the rewards...

i play Township on my kindle, which I find kind of relaxing :)

My stories


The Works Once... poem 1st draft.

The Works Once. I was the works once, bright, shiny, deep, took classes in earlier years, listened sweet. I spoke in five languages, heard the bird's...

Civic Duty

this is an attempt at a form, it isn't a perfect one, however I liked it, for the time being anyway.

Second You. Tube piece....

from "Brantley Goes Home!"

You Tube and back ground.

I'm looking towards You tube and performance due to a chap on here who does it! (blame him)

Hello all, a poem!

very rough, very much last night.... not edited. be warned...
