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I have 404 stories published in 3 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 272568 times and 13 of my stories have been cherry picked.
34 of my 950 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 32 votes

maisie's picture
Rosalind J. Lee


Hi, no complaints recently!  See my work for sale below.

I play Empire. Kred from which I advertise my books, and enjoy the rewards...

i play Township on my kindle, which I find kind of relaxing :)

My stories

Leggings - Second Result.

The second result from this online epic book is that the research on my family - on spinal bifida which I have, and which was resolved for me by...

Leggings - is posted.

on the blog, here. It's the end one, as far as I know... for now. There are some links on it, for you to follow if wished. I wanted to say Thank you...

A Review of Anglia Square, Norwich, UK.

Anglia Square, Norwich Out of the main city Centre lies Anglia Square – home to QD and other shops – served by charity shops, and café’s and...


’Cession ‘Cession begins, Stops the worm In the field. Stops the thought That forms endless Wheels in air. Stops the sun. The wind, the rain. Spans...

Draft poem - It should be quiet!

It would be quiet.... Except for the electronic hiss... that preludes the odd job Gods in. A virus collage in a corner blooms - Life caught in spiral...


34 of my comments have received 32 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

enjoyed the first bit, the

Posted on Thu, 05 May 2011

enjoyed the first bit, the second bit needs improving it hasn't the swing - perhaps a rhyme might help.Read full comment

Posted in Thanks Barry
