Mark Heathcote

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I have 597 stories published in 2 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 354786 times and 9 of my stories have been cherry picked.
3 of my 316 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

Mark Heathcote's picture
Mark Heathcote

My stories

The one my soul abides

You brought meaning Where there was none. You lit-up this world, Where no-other shone! Because quite simply, Put; you are the one. The one my heart beats For; ten to the dozen!

How royally Avant-garde am I?

How royally Avant-garde am I? Don’t tell me it isn’t so— As if I needn’t ever know? There’s a peahen at the centre Of every pert-peacocks breast Who pre-empts a willing body


Do you buy into this ballot-box choice? Are we not all blindly, taught and lead. Leaderless, restless; without a “voice” Walked; hand in hand with the dead.

In the staging of opposites!

In the staging of opposites! Each a beginning to an end: As one door closes 'tight' Another opens arms godsend Calm, untroubled alight. Everything has its origins?

To live beyond the sunrise!

Better you just dry those sopping-wet big eyes What’s the point in both of us weeping? Surely you can’t now coquettishly disguise… The ways, in which I’m cut, the way I am bleeding…
